Increasing QOL in Factorio
This is a list of mods that I use for Factorio. As I find more nice QOL ones, they will be added to this list.
- AfraidOfTheDark
- alien-biomes
- automatic-station-painter
- Automatic_Train_Painter
- AutoTrash
- calculator-ui
- even-distribution
- factoryplanner
- far-reach
- GUI_Unifyer
- informatron
- jetpack
- LandfillEverything
- Nanobots
- OutpostPlanner1-1
- PickerAtheneum
- PickerDollies
- PickerInventoryTools
- PlannerCore1-1
- QuickItemSearch
- RateCalculator
- show-max-underground-distance
- solar-calc
- sonaxaton-resource-map-markers
- Squeak Through
- StatsGui
- textplates
- Todo-List
- train-log
- TrainGroups
- trainsaver
- Train_Control_Signals
- WhereIsMyBody